Thursday, February 19, 2009

Penelope & Odysseus

After nurse Eurycleia noticed a scar of mine when I got at a very young age, she ran with a heart filled with happiness and astonishment, to search for Penelope. There I was leaning against a pillar, I lifted my eyes only to meet hers with a reation I was not expecting she just stood there with big, teary eyes. After decades of my no return, she was dazed, thinking it must be a hoax which is when my son, Telemachus voice whispered softly in her ears "Mother, is this what you wished? To be separated from my father? Why won't question him? Your heart is hard as stone!" ending in tears. Penelope replied, "I am dazed, my child. I cannot speak or question him. If it is really my love, we know secret signs because we know eachother better than anyone else." A smile appeared on my face as I turn to Telemachus and say "Calm down, if your mother wants to test me; let her. She can't tell due to these tatters, rags and dirt. Let me bathe and put on fresh clothes."
Eurynome bathed me and used golden oil, Athena made me more beatiful; head to toe. She made me taller, more massive, and my hair more curlier. Then she faced Penelope and said "The immortals made you harder than anyone else. Nurse, make me a bed for Penelope's heart is iron to her chest" That was when she turned to converse with Odysseus saying "I do not wish to yell at you, but eurycleia with make your bed and place it outside of the bedchamber, where Odysseus created with his own two hands. Pile the bed with fleeces, rugs and the finest sheets there is." Saying that triggered Odysseus to reach his boiling point. Without thinking, Odysseus shouted angerly "WHO DARED TO MOVE MY BED? NO BUILDER HAD ENOUGH SKILLS TO DO THAT, UNLESS HE HAD HELP FROM A GOD! NO MORTAL COULD EVEN MOVE WITH WITH A CROWBAR! THAT WAS MY HANDIWORK, NO ONE ELSE'S!!" Penelope then turned to me and embraced with her love, right then and there she knew it was I, Odysseus and continued speaking "DO NOT YELL AT ME! NO ONE EVER MATCHED TO YOUR SKILLS. Forgive me, Odysseus. I could not tell at first, and I vowed to never fall for tricks, or impersonators who might come. No one has ever laid eyes on our bed except my own slave, for I knew it was our secret sign." After everything I did to reach Penelope and Telemachus, it finally happened. My eyes then were overflowing with tears. I knew Penelope would remain faithful. After 20 whole years I am finally with my family, and alas I am happy.

Friday, February 13, 2009

The Bag of Winds

Alas, we reach an island to get water. I find a location where there is a waterfall andthen the strangest thing happens. Whenever I try to reach for a drink, the water blows away from my mouth. Tired and thirsty as I was, I try a few more times and I see a face appear in the water.
"Reveal yourself!" I yell. "I am Aeolus, God of Wind." he replies. "Why are you not letting me drink? I am thirsty." I say. "Because Posidon told me to not let you." snickers Aeolus. "Go to the top of this cliff and we shall talk, where Posidon cannot hear us." he says. And so I reach the top of the cliff, and there he is waiting for me. We talk, discussing the reason why Posidon despices me. Posidon think I am selfish, because I didn't give him credit when my men and I sailed across the sea on this quest. But Aeolus disagrees with Posidon, and helps my men and I out. He gives me a bag of winds and tells me not to use it until Ithaca is in sight, and to point the bag in the opposite direction. For this plan to suceeed, I must protect this with my life and not let my men touch it. Later on, my men and I set sail and vow never to sleep until I reach Ithaca. But I became very sleepy, listening and swaying to the beat of the ocean and fall asleep hugging the bag. One of my michevious, stingy men, Soricus, was very curious about what the bag contained and why I was so protective of it. So he, and a few other men sit there for hours wandering what it could be. Almost all of them agree that its trease, but one. That loyal crew mate was Archaems, who tried telling him not too. Soricus rebels, and has one of the other crew members tied him to the poopdeck while he opens the bag, the wind blows us out of control, and sets our ship away from Ithaca. I immediately awake from my daze and shout "What have you done?!" and take the bag away from, but it was useless. All of the wind escaped from the bag, and I sit yearning about how I was so close to seeing my son and Penelope.

The Lotus Eaters

Alcoinous has just asked my name, and so I say “I am Odysseus, King of Ithaca. For, Ithaca is my home where my wife and son await my return, as well as the rest of my people. Oh, the pain I have encountered to reach home. I have witnessed all my men die horribly all because of the water god, Posiden whose desire is to punish me. For nine days, the remaining men and I wandered aimlessly, until we came across The Lotus Eaters who eat flowers that causes laziness and dreaminess. I sent out two of my men by choice. Only did I find them interacting with The Lotus Eaters who mean no harm. As a peace offering, they give a honeyed flowered that makes you forgetful of home. My men, took it and didn’t care to return. Instead they wanted to stay and roam forever. After I saw the effects, I warn my men not to take the Lotus flowers and set sail.